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What did the Government do?

To the Government’s credit – they are evidently listening. We commend the UK’s International Development White Paper which acknowledges the power and potential of UK Aid Match (UKAM) by way of these mentions:-

  • 9.5. We will reinvigorate: -our approach to partnering with civil society. This will include: a new match funding offer that builds on previous and existing programmes, such as UK Aid Direct and UK Aid Match; tailored, long-term financing and capacity-strengthening support to a diverse range of CSOs in the UK and in partner countries; and support for CSOs and human rights defenders in crisis.
  • 2.5. The generosity of the British people is demonstrated worldwide. When crises hit, the UK public and Government respond together. The UK Government has provided match funding for approximately £200 million of public donations for life-changing development projects and in response to humanitarian crises since 2016.
  • 9.6. We will leverage the best of UK expertise and the UK public’s generosity and support the transition to more local leadership to promote sustainable and equitable partnerships in our policy and programme work. We will operate on the principle that we double the support that these organisations have raised themselves, in appropriate areas.   International development in a contested world: ending extreme poverty and tackling climate change. A white paper on international development (publishing.service.gov.uk)

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official publication of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either House or its committees. All-Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups of Members of both Houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in this report are those of the group.


Law makers have many competing demands on their schedule, so our organisation can summarise and synthesise relevant ‘aid matching’ reports and can, where appropriate, link this to our APPG goals. So, we can become the ‘go to’ place for receptive policymakers to be briefed on related issues. As a catalytic policy reform organisation to boost development finance; having produced the working, proven MM Aid Model to increase aid quantity & quality, we are at the nexus between robust policy tools, informed debate, agenda setting and issue prioritisation. We offer value to parliamentarians who have immense pressures on their time. They want concise, verifiable, up to date briefing and debating materials. As an umbrella organisation we have the inherent advantage of working with think tanks, research institutes, academia, and civil society so parliamentarians can get specialist information in one place.