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Country Status

This map highlights which countries the MM Model policy ideas have been implemented in. Countries highlighted in our campaign teal colour represent a country which has come on board and begun to introduce some of the key MM Model planks. The United Kingdom has led the way in introducing the MM Model’s core framework notably with the roll out of their UK Aid Match, Gavi Matching Fund and Malaria Matching Fund schemes. We applaud the UK DFID for undertaking this initiative to substantially impact millions of lives around the world.

Other European countries have followed suit. The Gavi Matching Fund influenced the Netherland’s $75m commitment and Spain’s respective 4m euro commitment.

Our Real Aid mission is to scale these matching initiatives worldwide.

The Gavi Matching Fund was established in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development. Together, they pledged the equivalent of US$ 111 million1 for the 2011-2015 period (US$ 50 million and US$ 61 million, respectively). These commitments have been used to match contributions from corporations and their employees, foundations and other organisations, resulting in a total of US$ 210 million2 pledged to Gavi for the 2011-2015 period.

In 2016, the BMGF and the Government of the Netherlands committed US$ 75 million and EUR 10 million respectively to the Gavi Matching Fund. Over the 2016–2020 period, these funds will be made available to match private sector investments in Gavi- supported programmes.


1 Figure as of June 30, 2016
2 The remaining portion of the GMF has been matched against cash and in-kind contributions expected during the 2016-2020 strategic period.

BARCELONA, Spain — The GAVI Alliance today praised “la Caixa” Foundation’s leadership and generosity in donating € 4 million (US$ 5.7 million) to GAVI’s new Matching Fund, a public-private partnership designed to raise funds for GAVI’s immunisation programmes in poor countries. The donation – plus additional funds collected from “la Caixa” bank’s customers and employees – is particularly impactful because it will be matched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, bringing the total amount pledged to at least € 8 million (US$ 11. 4 million) over two years.

The “la Caixa” pledge – € 2 million in 2011 and € 2 million in 2012 — specifically goes toward the purchase of pneumococcal vaccine for GAVI-supported countries in Latin America. Pneumonia is the number one infectious killer of children in the developing world: roughly 1.5 million children under age five die from pneumonia each year.  Funding from “la Caixa” will dramatically increase the number of children receiving pneumococcal vaccine in Latin America and raise overall immunisation coverage in recipient countries.

Vaccines are one of the most cost-effective health interventions ever developed,” said Joe Cerrell, director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Europe office. “It is critical to reach every child in need of immunization, and we need the help of the private sector.”

