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Parliamentarian Portal

Parliamentarians are often referred to as legislators because they are law makers who, in representing their communities, play a crucial role in shaping policy. ‘Parliamentarian Voices’ is a media based platform designed to develop and advance new or improved legislation or to repeal discriminatory or unjust laws in favour of Real Aid in pursuit of more democratic, equal and just societies. This media platform is for the use of parliamentarians from all over the world to shine a light on aid injustices and to espouse progressive policies. Transparency of these issues are perpetuated by a vibrant and thriving media who, sometimes battle against difficult repressive circumstances to uncover the truth in the name of advancing democracy. Defending media freedoms is therefore integral to driving the accountability and good governance related to Government Foreign Aid expenditure. This portal is also committed to the issue of press freedom to embolden the media rights of journalists around the world in their plight to hold governments to account.

By enabling democratically-elected representatives to actively speak freely without censorship on issues of concern and urgency to the people of their districts we can move the needle on reducing inequality and global poverty.

This international platform would serve to inform journalists who have an interest in catalysing sustainable development across borders and media pluralism. Here, elected officials can post opinion pieces to draw attention to new or emerging issues of concern so that governments can pay attention to them. Journalists around the world who have written about such issues can engage with these Parliamentarians directly through this portal to amplify the voices for Real Aid and social justice.

Here, elected officials can post information, reports and opinion pieces to draw attention to new or emerging issues so that attention can be focused on them. This international platform would also serve to provide story ideas and leads to journalists who have an interest in reporting on sustainable development initiatives across borders. This is a free of charge service offered to Parliamentarians and Journalists so as to create a critical mass of aid activists who are driving positive development outcomes. Participating Parliamentarians will be recognised on our website ‘Parliamentarians for Real Aid.

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