Media at its best exposes fraud, challenges beliefs and brings about change. Nowhere is such an analysis more vital than in the field of development. Billions are poured in to aid yet globally disparity and poverty are on the rise. Independent media reporting is the gateway to democracy; intrepid journalists who uncover aid injustices and inequalities are at the forefront of driving accountability and progressive policy reform, but free media and freedom of expression face constant and growing challenges.
This campaign is partnering with the IFJ to launch the IFJ Development Portal – a resource for civil society and journalists to post, share and collaborate on stories and publish data, case studies and articles which can advance development and highlight the positive role of media in reporting uncomfortable truths and the need for society to defend media rights and freedoms.
Journalism has the power to shape opinions and bring about massive change. However, a lack of freedom, a lack of investment in investigative reporting and a lack of data about the use and abuse of aid allows world leaders the chance to avoid bringing about the changes necessary to address poverty and inequality.

By sharing empirical data, story leads, case studies and more on one portal journalism can play a key role in helping to build a more convincing case and a stronger call for aid policy reform.
The Disparity Film Premiere provides a momentous hook for journalists around the world who have written about development, democracy and the defence of media to engage and share their findings and stories with other journalists so we can create a central hub to amplify and embolden the campaign for change and real solidarity and real aid.
Many journalists have already researched and published rich analysis on issues that are explored across the film’s 10 chapters; inequality, government aid, transparency, delivery channels, growth, philanthropy, solutions, success, to cut or increase aid? and people power. Disparity provides a timely hook to re-invigorate and develop these and other stories.
News items will be searchable by Continent, Country and the 17 UN SDG topics at IFJ Hub.
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